

Upon reaching the cafe, we were faced with the coffee smell on the first step entered the cafe and we could saw that there were alot of people who is chilling around with their friends or some were reading. The enviroment embrace is so romantic and relaxing.!!

 favourite COFFEE ORDERED - hot cappucino (RM10.90) 
                     Lattee caramel (RM11.90) 
                                                                           a slide of chesse cripes cake  (RM12.90). 

Just feel like i was drinking the art !!! 

The minion is pretty cute anyway!  And we were starting our photoshooting secti"camera eat first" haha

 she is one of my buddy ,her name is Angeline and studying for architecture course in Taylor University right now.

the pretty girl ABOVE is called Suki, my best friend ever! 
And she is studying at USM right now.

*she ask me help her to take a great photo so that she can finally udated her facebook hahaha

We spent our whole afternoon in this lovely place and sharing about our own story which happend in our university life. Laugh and chill !! 

appreciated god for giving me such an meaningful hours with my girls
but the way, when is our next meet up? 

